Custos Control

Gregorio comes with a whole bunch of settings for controlling the appearence of the automatic custos out of the box. \greseteolcustos{auto} and \greseteolcustos{manual} allow you to turn on and off the automatic custos from that point in the document on. z+ and Z+ allow you to force an automatic custos at a manual line break in the gabc, while z- and Z- do the opposite, suppressing the automatic custos at the manual line break. Sometimes, however, you want to suppress or force the automatic custos for the automatic line breaks, or may want to change the behavior for an extended passage all at once, rather than doing it manually.

The first step to getting this trick to work is to add the following to your gabc file:

def-m1: \greusemanualcustos;
def-m2: \greuseautocustos;

You'll also need the following in the preamble of your project file:


With these two macro definitions you can add [em1] in the notes of your gabc file to suppress the automatic custos from that point forward in the score and [em2] to have the automatic custos appear from that point forward. This will hold for both automatic line breaks and manual ones (though + and - will override if they are given). To minimize spacing issues, these tags should be placed at the end of the sequence of notes, just before you close the parentheses, and should not be placed adjacent to a bar line.

Works with Version:

4.1.0 and above