Short Scores
By default GregorioTeX scores span the whole witdth of your document, which works great for most scores. Occasionally, however, you're just inserting a small snippet, say a two measure psalm antiphon, or need more flexibility in how to arange things on the page. In cases where you want the score to be less than the full width of the page, you need to wrap it inside a minipage
environment like this:
\begin{minipage}[t]{4.8cm}% \gabcsnippet{(c4)Ky(f)ri(d)e(d) e(d)le(d)i(c)son(d.) (::)}% \end{minipage}% V/ .
You do need to set the width argument for the minipage
manually, and that may take some trial and error to get right.
Further, each minipage environment is treated as a single character by LaTeX, so it's even possible to have several in the same line, allowing one to create some intersting effects like this one:
% !TEX TS-program = LuaLaTeX+se \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{gregoriotex} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage{libertine} \gresetinitiallines{0} \greseteolcustos{manual}% \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \noindent% \begin{minipage}[t]{4.8cm}% \gabcsnippet{(c4)Ky(f)ri(d)e(d) e(d)le(d)i(c)son(d.) V/ .(::)}% \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}[t]{3.6cm}% \gresetlinecolor{gregoriocolor}% \gresetclef{invisible}% \gabcsnippet{ Chris(f)te(d) e(d)le(d)i(c)son(d.)}% \end{minipage}% \begin{minipage}[t]{4.5cm}% \gresetclef{invisible}% \gabcsnippet{ R/ .(::) Ky(f)ri(d)e(d) e(d)le(d)i(c)son(d.) (::)}% \end{minipage}% \end{document} V/ .

Finally, the height of the minipage
is determined by its contents, so vertical alignment can some times be problematic. For instance, in the above example I forced the alignment of the pages based on the top of the minipage ([t]
) because all three snippets shared the same top. Had I used the baseline (no optional argument), the fact that the first and last score have a decender in the lyrics (a letter which extends downwards) and only the first score has anything above the top line (the clef) would have thrown off the alignment so that the staff lines didn't line up. Forcing the alignment as I did, fixed that here, but in some cases that won't be enough. In those instances I suggest using struts (invisible vertical lines) in the above lines text and/or translation to force the scores to have a common top or bottom.
Works with Version: